Faith is Action This Month in Faith Is Action

What is the Exceeding Greatness
of God's Power?

R.G. Hardy
When NT writers express the love of God, they point to the cross. To express the power of God, they point to the empty tomb. But there is a higher display of God's exceeding great power! He raised Jesus far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named in this age and the age to come! He sat Him at His right hand with all authority in heaven and earth under His feet. 

And there's more: He seated someone else with Him! Read now.

Sharon Hardy Knotts Sharon's Blog

4 Reasons I Vote Platform &
Policies—Not Personalities

Sharon Hardy Knotts
Real Christians should be able—and must differentiate between the personal sins of a candidate and the national sins of the nation. It is the national sins of America that bring God’s judgment on our nation... Continue reading...

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